How to survive boredom
Watch Netflix It's not a suprise this would be on our list! The world of netflix is enough to get you covered for a day oor 2 and maybe even more! Check out our Family-Friendly Shows to watch on netflix read a book Books can be really interesting especially if your try a series like Harry Potter or the circle series it could keep you active Bake something You could make cake or brownies or cupcakes anything to keep you occupied and excited when they are ready. Go on a walk You could walk around your neighbourhood or just around your house or even back aforth in your room. Leanrn a language You never know when knowing 2 or more languages could come in handy! I recommend using Duolingo. Make a music playlist You could use spotify and make a free playlist with all your favourite music or go with a theme like sad/happy. Write a shopping list It could be anywhere from a christmas list to a random shopping list! No dought making them is way easier than actually buying them ;) crea...