How to have a awesome day!

Wouldn't you love to have an awesome day filled with happiness peace and Joy? Here are our TOP 10 suggestions on how to do that.
1. Sleep early.
It has been proven by scientists that sleeping early could make you wake up early and give your brain a frest start and to have an awesome day your brain is a key feature, so if you sleep late you'll probabbly wake up late and you might not have the best start to your day!
2. Get enough sleep.
This is related to number 1 if you sleep early you'll wake up early and also have enough hours The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has recommended that children aged 6–12 years should regularly sleep 9–12 hours per 24 hours and teenagers aged 13–18 years should sleep 8–10 hours per 24 hours. Adults should get at least 6 hours. So if you have enough sleep this will make you work faster in your day hense having a great day.
3. Do Not Click that snooze button.
Scientists say that if you snooze your alarm your going to have a rough day but if you wake up as soon as your alarm dings youll probably have a great day!
4. Try not to focus on what makes you mad.
We all probably have that one sibling or that one boss or that 1 friend who makes you mad well today is the day you ignore them! When you ignore someone they'll probably leave you alone because they can't fight on their own and if they continue to trouble you then just walk out of the room or confront them and tell them your busy! It will make you happier.
5. Try to exercise.
Keeping fit is not only healthy for your body but also for your brain. You'll probably be much happier after a jog or a walk. If you don't have any equipment you could just jog or run around your house or even your neighbourhood.
6. Shower as soon as you wake up.
Showering/ Bathing is known to keep you smelling fresh and also refreshen your body. You've been sleeping and sweating so if you shower as soon as you wake up ( better with cold water) You'll feel fresh.
7. Eat a good breakfast.
Breakfast is one of the key features to your day so eat what makes you happy but that doesn't mean to eat french fries and chicken.
8. Lay Off the stress
If your stressed you could get sick and angry and when people are angry they usually take out their anger on other people. So don't get stressed.
9. Finsih all your tasks for the day.
If you finish whatever you need to do it will give you time to relax and will deduct your stress level hense a happy mood.
10. Have Fun!
This one is the easiest of all but try not to be too tense because that'll make you stress so try not to be too serious. If You have any suggestions make sure to let us know in the comments below. And have an awesome day :) By ELIZA KEISHA CHeck Out!


  1. all of these actually make such a satisfying productive day! 😀


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